Friday, May 05, 2006

Charlie St. is being repaved...(original post April 20)

Ok, to add insult to injury, I just heard from my Director of Photography that the film we actually did shoot on Monday has been damaged by the lab. The first twenty feet is completely gone. So we have none of our minature shots. And the rest has been damaged and has light issues. So we all sat down tonight and Jesus came up with the idea of developing this story into something different. Basically we are going to go out agian, but instead of shooting it on the rest of the film, we will shoot it with a still camera and kind of edit a motion graphics version of the film with the bits that did survive placed inside. I love the idea and i think it shows versitale we are with this project. So the other 800ft of film stock that I still have will go to another story that I will come up with. This is good. We now have two films born out of the one. I should have more soon on what the next film will be. : )

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