Friday, April 18, 2008

New Company Logo

Testing out a new Logo Idea. After making the new along with the design of the new site, it's not really flowing for me enough. It's not very practical when it comes to a business card and its a little too complex when I try to turn it into a two tone object. SO I came up with this and I think I like actually. Keeping with the same idea I had for making my design resemble a sort of "rough" work station, I am using a color scheme that I think matches up with that idea. I also realized that i need to keep the idea of my company identity in line with what facinates me as an artist and what type of era I am most into. I love the 50's and how everything was so retro. My idea is to try and make the design not be exactly in that time period, but more like someone trying to remember what it was like. Sort of creating this serial tone to it. :)


Unknown said...

dude!!! that is awesome. :-)

Pauline said...

I like. :)